Brief profile of Eng. Mario Caruggi


Genoa, 1st of April,1977


1996-2001        University of Genoa, Mechanical Engineering

Degree thesis: Development of an experimental test-rig for the unsteady flow analysis of an aeronautical gas turbine burner.

1991-1996        Liceo Scientifico O.Grassi

Work experiences:

  • December 2003:

    Finalist in the "StartCupGenova 2003" contest, for the best business plan based on a technological idea.

  • February-December 2002:

    Genoa Sanpierdarena cogeneration plant: recovery boiler optimisation project (velocity field and temperature distribution).

  • Since May 2002:

    Member of the Engineering Association of Savona.

  • Since February 2001:

    Ph.D. student of the Department of Fluid Machine and Energy System- University of Genoa; involved in two EC finaced projects for the experimental characterisation and the CFD analysis of ulta-low-NOx burner for aeronautical and stationary applications. Specialised in laser based measurements (Laser Doppler Anemometry, Phase Doppler Anemometry, Particle Image Velocimetry) for the experimental characterisation of non reacting flow and combustive processes.

    Assistant professor in "Atmospherical diffusion processes" at the University of Genoa, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Department.

  • Summer 1999:

    Summer job to ABB Automation of Telford (Birmingham) ENGLAND, engineering department for steam turbine control and automation.


  • "Development of Ultra Low NOx premixer burner technology at the Savona Combustion Laboratory", 7th International Conference CLEANAIR2003, Lisbon July 7th-10th 2003.

  • "Sviluppo di combustori ultra low-NOx presso il Savona Combustion Laboratory", 58th Annual Congress of Italian Thermotechnical Association, Padova e San Martino di Castrozza September 8th-12th 2003.

  • "Development of a system for monitoring of thermo-acoustic instabilities in liquid fuel premixed burner for gas turbine", 9th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Sorrento July 13th-18th 2003